Extol - _Blueprint_
(Century Media, 2005)
by: Jackie Smit (5 out of 10)
I should have known better than to grow excited at the prospect of a surprise coming from this Scandinavian outfit, particularly given my initial skepticism after an already less-than-sterling track record, which includes the likes of the über-dull _Undeceived_. But it couldn't be helped. The haunting, clean-sung bridge to the record's opening track, "Gloriana", had me hooked. "Soul Deprived" followed -- a slight step down, subsequently compensated for by the blinding "In Reversal". After this highlight it was all downhill for Extol however, who suddenly appeared to have transformed from infectious and genre-bending to little more than a tawdry blend of Deftones and A Perfect Circle; neither of which incidentally have very much in common with the melodic death metal of this band's past. I'd be lying if I said it gets any better, and it's a shame, really. I'd happily accept a band's desire to progress musically, or in Extol's case, actually do something interesting, and after such a strong start _Blueprint_ displays a tremendous amount of potential. But ultimately it could be said Extol's second effort for Century Media could have benefited greatly from a touch more attention in the planning stages.

Contact: http://www.undeceived.net

(article published 20/1/2005)

10/1/2001 A Cantwell Extol: Death From the North
7/7/1999 A Cantwell Extol: Anointed For Burial
25/10/2000 A Cantwell 8 Extol - Undecieved
12/8/1999 A Cantwell 7.5 Extol - Mesmerized
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