Arch Enemy - _Dead Eyes See No Future_
(Century Media, 2004)
by: Jackie Smit (5 out of 10)
Maybe I'm just being cynical, but I have a hard time seeing the point in this release. A singular, already available studio outtake ("Dead Eyes See No Future"), a few adequately recorded live tracks and a clutch of fairly by-the-numbers covers (all packaged at the price of a regular full-length) doth not a cause for celebration make -- even if like me, you did actually quite enjoy _Anthems of Rebellion_. From a purely musical point of view, this effort is certainly passable: the sneering, downtuned reinterpretation of Megadeth's "Symphony of Destruction" is definitely interesting, if not the most wholly inventive cover you'll hear in 2004. But putting aside the band's skyrocketing popularity for a moment, there is very little about this that doesn't scream "blatant cash-in".
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