Krisiun - _Bloodshed_
(Century Media, 2004)
by: Jackie Smit (9 out of 10)
If ever a band has proven themselves to be a reliable commodity in the realm of extreme music, then surely Krisiun fit that description perfectly. With the exception of 2001's overly clinical _Ageless Venomous_, their discography remains a steadfast vanguard for relentless musical violence in an age where death metal appears to be evolving at a staggering pace. With their stunning _Works of Carnage_ effort still freshly embedded in my frazzled memory, I was quite surprised to find this package in my mailbox. As it turns out though, _Bloodshed_ is a collection of old and new tracks, similar to Vader's _Reign Forever World_ EP. Far from being a shoddily slapped together stop-gap while we await the next Krisiun opus however, _Bloodshed_ actually offers up a hefty dose of brutality, and despite being sold at the price of an EP, still clocks in at nearly 40 minutes. Five brand new tracks get things going -- all of which are outstanding, particularly the mid-tempo grind of "Ominous" and the foreboding snarl of "Slain Fate". The ultimate highlight however is the inclusion of the band's ultra-rare, vintage _Unmerciful Order_ material -- four supremely crafted examples of early '90s death that make one ponder whether the Florida explosion would really have mattered as much if someone had discovered Krisiun a few years earlier.
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