Temple of Baal - _Servants of the Beast_
(Oaken Shield / Adipocere, 2003)
by: Pedro Azevedo (6 out of 10)
In all their lo-fi Dark Funeral glory, Temple of Baal are one of those
bands that can come up with half an hour of entertaining metal whilst
completely failing to imbue their music with any originality. As far
as relatively underproduced black metal goes, this French band has
gone for an excessively bassy approach that still retains a certain
atmosphere -- which is not an uncommon occurrence in this genre.
Having said all this, the music does show plenty of intent: there's a
decent amount of good riffs and leads to be found, but then again
there is little or no novelty in them. The drumming struggles to keep
up with the faster sections, though not so noticeably that it should
ruin the album for most listeners, and overall the band shows adequate
musicianship and songwriting throughout the album. _Servants of the
Beast_ is an enjoyable album, but not of a calibre sufficiently high
to overcome much of its lack of originality.
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