Coercion - _Lifework_
(Animate Records, 2003)
by: Aaron McKay (9 out of 10)
Some may picture the concept of "lifework" as Salvador Dali's impeccable collection or completing Dante's Divine Comedy, but Coercion has something else in mind. Not altogether without connection, _Lifework_ is an incredible contribution to the arts, only this one comes with a bit of a hitch. Akin to Dali and Dante, Coercion's material isn't necessarily for everyone; the metal community, as an understated sub-culture, should embrace this offering collectively -- almost without objection. Coercion's material on _Lifework_, much as can be found on their 1997 release _Forever Dead_ (which was my first exposure to this band), is emphatically catchy both in style and form. The band develops a rich aura, oozing metal out of all pores while simultaneously mixing fast and slow tempos as to tantalize the auditory sense. "Consumed", track three, throws down the gauntlet for power-inducing breaks in rhythm (tune in about the 1:50 mark for evidence of this) and brutally heavy chops. Coercion is constantly pushing the envelope on this record without reducing its stranglehold on their aggressive approach and keeping the listener engaged with tempo changes and unexpected riffs. Now on German label Animate Records since November 2003, Coercion seems poised on the cusp of wild abandon. Notwithstanding the album's meager seventeen minute, five track duration, _Lifework_ could fast become one of my favorites of 2004.


(article published 16/2/2004)

29/2/2004 A McKay Coercion: No Arm Twisting Involved
1/1/1998 A Wasylyk 7 Coercion - Forever Dead
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