Hypocrisy - _The Arrival_
(Nuclear Blast, 2004)
by: Jackie Smit (7 out of 10)
Don't be surprised if 2004 goes down in the annals of history as a year of sugar-coated, empty promises. With a slew of releases waiting in the wings all promising returns to form for the bands in question, one can almost taste the disappointment that is bound to follow. Alas, such is the case with Hypocrisy's ninth studio release -- a record which sells itself as a throwback to the promising sounds of _The Final Chapter_ and _Abducted_, yet subsequently falls short of the mark. Not that it's a bad effort, by the way; it just seems as though Peter Tagtren and Co have carved out a comfort zone for themselves from whence it's all too easy to churn out nine songs, slap a familiar logo on the box and call it an album. Of course, even at 50%, Hypocrisy can still come up with a decent tune, as "Slave to the Parasites" and "War Within" prove with great aplomb. The problem is that death metal has evolved exponentially since Hypocrisy's inception in the early nineties, and specifically at this crucial point in their career, a further exploration of the inventiveness and experimental spirit of 1999's _Hypocrisy_ would have been very welcome.
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