Homo Iratus - _Knowledge... Their Enemy_
(Arctic, 2002)
by: Xander Hoose (8.5 out of 10)
Much like Relapse, music label Arctic has also started releasing ten minute long EPs of their artists. While this trend still remains questionable, at least _Knowledge... Their Enemy_ is fitted with two video tracks along with the four audio tracks. Homo Iratus plays solid, uncompromising death metal with great similarities to Six Feet Under, except for the fact that these guys do have a capable vocalist. Four songs are not enough to base much of a judgement on, especially since I haven't heard their debut album, but as far as I'm concerned they're doing a fucking good job. The Sepultura cover ("Roots Bloody Roots") wouldn't have been necessary, as their own material sounds better. People who've bought the _Human Consensus_ album can skip this EP, as two songs are from that album. I wouldn't be surprised if either Metal Blade or Relapse would try to sign this band, and that in itself might give you good enough a clue as to whether or not you want to hear this EP.

(article published 13/11/2003)

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