Cephalic Carnage - _Lucid Interval_
(Relapse, 2002)
by: Xander Hoose (9 out of 10)
All brutal assaults in 2002 seem to have come from America: Watchmaker, Converge, and now Cephalic Carnage. Of these three, Cephalic is the oldest, dating from back in 1992, and also the most extreme one musically. Picking elements from many different styles, _Lucid Interval_ combines grindcore with gore, death, doom, rock and hardcore, as well as some electronics, creating a whirlwind of an album that is quite incomparable to any other band. The four different vocal styles (gore, grunt, hardcore and screams) are daring, even though I think certain songs would be better without the gore style singing. The drumming and guitars come out excellently in the mix, creating a driving destructive force. The many ways of destruction are exemplified by "Anthro Emesis", a very slow and doomy song with mixed-in electronics. "Pseudo" is a chaotic Coalesce-ish piece, while on "Black Metal Sabbath" the black style is performed with both ease and grandeur. "Cannibism" is an acoustic, fucked-up Spanish intermezzo before "Lucid Interval" which is old school thrash. Cephalic Carnage manages to mix it all without forcing it and without making a chaotic mess. Within the whirlwind of battering assaults, structure can be found underneath, making this album a highly recommended listen. Now if they would use more grown-up lyrics, they would have gotten half a point extra -- for now, they'll have to stick with nine out of ten.

(article published 30/10/2003)

7/12/2010 A El Naby 7.5 Cephalic Carnage - Misled by Certainty
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