Nokturnal Mortum - _The Taste of Victory_
(Oriana, 2003)
by: Quentin Kalis (8.5 out of 10)
They say that converts to a cause are the most fanatical, and this may explain in part why relatively new NSBM converts Nokturnal Mortum go to such extremes to associate themselves with the scene. Fortunately, this does not mean that they have degenerated into the audio Leni Riefenstahl, and this album retains the high calibre of past efforts -- in fact, this may just be their best release since the amazing _Goat Horns_. _The Taste of Victory_ is a (ahem) taste of things to come -- the first three songs are lifted from the upcoming _Weltanschauung_ album, while the last track is unreleased. The first two songs feature heavy doses of folk influence which dominate, relegating the guitars to a subservient role. As implied, the title track possesses an epic edge, echoing latter day Bathory. The fourth is unreleased and with good reason, being the weakest track by far. It starts with a doom-like riff before launching into more familiar Nokturnal Mortum territory and finishing off with a folksy outro. These sections appear disconnected, and at nearly fifteen minutes it would have benefited from some judicious editing without losing any impact. Overall, it is a pleasing indicator of the strong future of the Nokturnal Mortum camp.


(article published 14/10/2003)

2/14/2010 K Sarampalis 9.5 Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel
5/24/2005 Q Kalis 9 Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung
11/29/2004 Q Kalis 7.5 Nokturnal Mortum - Twilightfall
8/12/2001 B Meloon 8 Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry
8/12/2000 B Meloon 7 Nokturnal Mortum - NeChrist
3/14/1999 B Meloon 7 Nokturnal Mortum - To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire
6/7/1998 B Meloon 8 Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
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