Zyklon - _Aeon_
(Candlelight Records, 2003)
by: Jackie Smit (9 out of 10)
Whether or not you thought that Zyklon's debut effort _World Ov Worms_ was overrated becomes a fairly moot point in light of how much impact this relatively young band has had on the extreme music scene thus far. While thanks should go in no small part to certain founding members' Emperial roots, it's hard to think of another band on only their second full length who, specifically in this genre, has received quite so much attention from both mainstream and underground media sources alike. Thankfully though, Zamoth, Trym, Destructhor and the newly recruited Secthdamon seem to comprehend clearly enough that hype will only get you so far, and as such have come up with a wholly satisfying, if not surprisingly straightforward death metal album.

The first noticeable change on _Aeon_ with regards to its predecessor is the extent to which the band have shed much of their black metal-type melodies and electronics, in favour of a more technical, organic and ultimately brutal approach. New vocalist Secthdamon immediately makes his presence felt, and while some may prefer the more unique style of previous growler Daemon, the man some might know as the drummer for Myrkskog does a fantastic job. With a far greater range in his arsenal than his predecessor, it is particularly on slower numbers like "Core Solution" and "Two Thousand Years" that his voice is at its most venomously effective. Likewise, the instrumental aspect of this record is sheer class, and while Zamoth may not be in the league of Trey Azagthoth when it comes to soul-shredding solos, his dense, blistering riffage on songs like "Subtle Manipulation" and "Specimen Eruption" is a thing of pure, chaotic beauty.

Although occasionally lacking depth, overall _Aeon_ is undoubtedly a great record and one of the few death metal albums released in recent times to sound immediately recognisable and distinct. While the almost trendy buzz surrounding this band may turn off the more sceptical, I can only urge you to brush aside any preconceptions you may hold for this band, who have created yet another death metal highlight of 2003.

Contact: http://www.zyklontribe.com

(article published 21/9/2003)

13/5/2001 P Schwarz Zyklon: Detoxed But Not Disarmed
26/4/2006 J Smit 8 Zyklon - Disintegrate
13/5/2001 P Azevedo 9 Zyklon - World Ov Worms
12/6/2003 J Smit Zyklon / Myrkskog / Reign of Erebus / Void The World Ov Worms Descends on London
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