Tomahawk - _Mit Gas_
(IPECAC, 2003)
by: Xander Hoose (6.5 out of 10)
Being a big fan of Tomahawk's self-titled debut album, my anticipation rose higher and higher the closer this follow-up came to its release date. Now, after a dozen listens, I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed. Well, quite a bit disappointed, really. It's hard to point out where it all goes wrong for me, but I can't shake off the impression that Mike Patton's vision is becoming blurred trying to divide his attention between all the different projects he's involved with. I'm not claiming there are bad songs on _Mit Gas_: "Rape This Day" is a happy twisted punk-tale, "You Can't Win" a Zappa-esque surfish song, "Rotgut" and "When the Stars Begin to Fall" could've been left-overs of the debut, while "Captain Midnight" is turned into an electro-ballad, "Desastre Natural" a Mexican waltz... On paper, it's the ideal Tomahawk album mixing fucked up ingredients into fucked up songs. But somewhere along the way Mike Patton has lost his track of the red line that's supposed to run through the album, connecting it all together. Without it, _Mit Gas_ sounds like a bunch of blanks shot by someone who doesn't know what he's aiming at. Memorable songs that stick in your head after the album has been played are sparse, which is a shame because all the Tomahawk members are top-quality musicians. Anyway, _Mit Gas_ will find its way to the fans. Undoubtedly, many will not feel the same mixed emotions I do, but in all honesty, I'm hoping a third Tomahawk album will be able to truly surprise me once more.


(article published 3/6/2003)

18/7/2003 J Smit Tomahawk: Shooting the Breeze Mit Mr. Denison
3/10/2007 J Ulrey 9.5 Tomahawk - Anonymous
5/4/2003 X Hoose 8.5 Tomahawk - Tomahawk
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