Project: Failing Flesh - _Beautiful Sickness_
(Independent, 2003)
by: Adrian Magers (8 out of 10)
It's not often that an up and coming band can fully gel when writing material, and their first release is not only extremely enjoyable, but easily comparable to (and mistakable for) national acts. Project: Failing Flesh is one of those rare exceptions. The style they employ on _Beautiful Sickness_ (surprisingly, the band's first effort) is hard to describe, but seems to combine bits of mid-era Testament, old Fear Factory, a subtle Mercyful Fate slant, while introducing many interesting new elements. Project: Failing Flesh (who are comprised of instrumentalists Tim Gutierrez and Kevin 131, and former Voivod, current E-Force vocalist Eric Forrest) are eclectic, but maintain a very metallic core. There's an old-school flavor to the thrashier numbers, but elements of metalcore and Gothenburg are sparsely thrown in as well. This band is tough to describe, not because they're doing something outlandish or unheard of, but because they blend their influences perfectly, and have a very refreshing sound. There's a lot of surprises on _Beautiful Sickness_, but they all sound natural. A viola solo, layered keyboards, driving organ-sounds; all centered around top-notch riffery. If there's any justice in this world, P:FF will be signed soon, recruit a few extra members for live purposes, and be exposed to a much wider audience. Currently they're searching for a label to release _Beautiful Sickness_ officially to the general listening public; keep an ear out for that sometime in summer or fall of this year.


(article published 28/4/2003)

19/4/2004 A McKay 4.5 Project: Failing Flesh - A Beautiful Sickness
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