Thine - _In Therapy_
(Peaceville, 2002)
by: Xander Hoose (6 out of 10)
My main point about Thine's first album, some years back, was that it sounded a lot like Anathema but was missing that special feeling that made Anathema such a unique band. My advice was to focus more on creating a style of their own instead of imitating others. Now after all these years, Thine has decided to give it another try with their second album _In Therapy_. I felt curious as I popped the album in my player, not knowing what to expect. Fifty-six and a half minutes later, I was left with the impression that time had stood still for Thine. The music is a little more uptempo than before, but apart from that Thine hasn't really changed a bit. They give away a faithful imitation of Anathema in their _Alternative 4_ era, but their songs sound less progressive, more cliche and lack a real soul -- the fact that I'm reminded more than once of Placebo probably says a lot. At certain points it sounds like they start to get a clue ("In Therapy", "Homewrecker Extraordinaire", "Running"), but most of the songs are interchangeable and just as easily forgotten. It's all the stranger considering they did a magnificent rendition of Nick Cave's "Song of Joy" at the start of their career. Better luck next time, lads.

(article published 16/3/2003)

8/7/1998 P Azevedo 8 Thine - A Town Like This
13/3/2001 V Anderson My Dying Bride / Katatonia / Soundisciples / Beyond Dawn / Thine The Snow in Their Hearts
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