Dio - _Angry Machines_
(Mayhem, 1996)
by: Adrian Bromley (8 out of 10)
One listen to Ronnie James Dio's latest release of _Angry Machines_, even look at the cover artwork, and it isn't hard to see that Dio's music has become more modern. A modern Dio? Cool. For those of you that loved his last Black Sabbath contribution, 1990's _Dehumanizer_, then you will enjoy the direction and sound of _AM_. The music on _AM_ has a very 90's feel to it as do the lyrics and writings of Dio, dealing with topics such as divorce and the role of women in society. Managing to piece together a stellar group to record with, guitarist Tracy G., bassist Jeff Pilson, and drummer Vinnie Appice, Dio (who produced the record) manages to take his music to new heights with some great vocal arrangements and some real slick musical interludes. The music of _AM_ stands as a test of time for the singer that brought about so many ideas and creations with his other work with the bands Elf, Rainbow, and Sabbath, not to mention his strong effort and accomplishments of releasing seven solo efforts. Dio has managed to carry on with his ways for more than three decades now, and seems to be just as content now as he did when he started. Standouts include: "Big Sister", "Black", "Institutional Man", and "Stay Out Of My Mind". This man is a legend and continues to create stunning masterpieces.

(article published 18/11/1996)

16/3/1997 A Gaudrault Dio: On the Mend
14/2/2010 Q Kalis Dio - Evil or Divine: Live in New York City
13/3/2001 A Bromley 8 Dio - The Very Beast of
16/1/1999 A McKay 8 Dio - Inferno: Last in Live
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