Slapdash - _Bound_
(MNW Zone, 1996)
by: Adrian Bromley (4 out of 10)
Sounding a lot like Pantera from the get-go on opening track "Bound", Swedish power-groove metal quintet really don't get far away from that comparison with the remainder of material on this short 11-minute long EP. At times the band sounds similar to San Fran thrashers Machine Head as well, even Korn on vocals. The material is rather weak and repetitive at times. I figure if the band hadn't held themselves up in some garage somewhere in Sweden with Pantera's _Far Beyond Driven_ or Machine Head's _Burn My Eyes_ on repeat play, maybe their power-groove metal material would have had some kind of it's own identity/personality rather than borrowing from someone else.

(article published 11/10/1996)

18/11/1996 A Bromley 2 Slapdash - Slapdash
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