Vader - _Sothis_
(Repulse Records, 1996)
by: Gino Filicetti (4 out of 10)
This being the first Vader CD ever in my possession, I was more that anxious to finally listen to this band, and hear what all the hype was about. And I can now safely say, after listening to it through and through a few times, what the fuck is the big deal? This album starts off with a spoken word chant entitled _Hymn To The Ancient Ones_ which consists of a praising of all the gods of old. Then starts the "onslaught" of boring death metal riffage, and sub-standard non-growled vox. Such was the title track and it really made me wonder how this band could have inspired such frenzied acclaimation on the USENET. Hailing from Poland, Vader should be given the benefit of the doubt, as they are the best band I've heard emerging from said country, that is, however, no excuse for the music contained herein. The last track on this CD is a cover of the all time classic masterpiece to end all masterpieces, Black Sabbath's own, "Black Sabbath." Much of this song is covered as an exact copy of the original until we hit the last verse of the song which is transformed in a cheesy, poseurish rip off of some kind of hardcore/rap hybrid. A definite abomination of such a metal classic. I'm not sorry to admit it, but I wasn't impressed one bit with this record.

(article published 12/8/1996)

5/25/2000 P Schwarz Vader: The Cold Demons of Death Metal
10/12/1999 P Schwarz /
D Rocher
Vader: Cutline
10/16/1997 P Schwarz Vader: Within the Dark Lord'S Silent Empire
11/1/2011 A McKay 9.5 Vader - Welcome to the Morbid Reich
9/8/2009 J Smit 7 Vader - Necropolis
10/5/2006 J Smit 8 Vader - Impressions in Blood
1/2/2006 J Smit 8 Vader - The Art of War
10/31/2004 J Smit 7 Vader - The Beast
4/11/2003 M Noll 9 Vader - Revelations
3/13/2001 M Noll 6 Vader - Reign Forever World
5/25/2000 P Schwarz 9.5 Vader - Litany
1/16/1999 P Schwarz 9 Vader - Live in Japan
7/8/1998 P Schwarz 8.5 Vader - Kingdom
1/1/1998 P Schwarz 9 Vader - Black To The Blind
2/4/1997 A Gaudrault 10 Vader - De Profundis
5/11/2008 J Smit Vader / Septic Flesh / Devian Pedigree Butchery
5/31/2005 A McKay Kreator / Vader Kreationism
5/13/2001 M Noll Marduk / Mortician / Vader / God Dethroned / Amon Amarth / Mystic Circle / Sinister / ...And Oceans / Bal Sagoth Baptized by Fire and Beer
8/12/2000 P Schwarz Vader / Vital Remains / Fleshcrawl / Rebaelliun Invadering From Across the Seas
8/12/2000 M Noll Deicide / Immortal / Cannibal Corpse / Marduk / Vader / Dark Funeral / Hate Eternal / Vomitory There's No Mercy in Satan's Oven
8/12/1999 D Rocher Six Feet Under / Mayhem / Vader / Enslaved / Cryptopsy / Nile / Thyrfing / Darkseid Facing the Breton Storm Season
8/12/1999 M Noll Six Feet Under / Vader / Enslaved / Cryptopsy / Nile / Thyrfing Pig's Feet and All Things Yummy
6/7/1998 P Azevedo Morbid Angel / Vader / Entwined Morbid Mayhem
10/16/1997 P Schwarz Malevolent Creation / Vital Remains / Infernal Majesty / Vader Something Old, Something New, and All Things Death Metal
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