Steel Prophet - _Book of the Dead_
(Nuclear Blast, 2001)
by: Kirsty Buchanan (7 out of 10)
Fantastic fun. There is nothing to detract from the feel good flavour of this album; I enjoyed it from start to finish, many times over. I have to confess to having it on repeat for about two days. "Burning Into Blackness" is one of the best examples of what this record really is, the truly acceptable end of rock/pop crossovers. With so many growling Europeans on the scene, it's heartening to hear an American take pop-metal back to its roots and have a distinct sound of Sabbath about them. The vocalist's voice is one which can only be described as the mongrel child of Rob Halford and Ozzy. His wail is an impressive sound, one which is welcome in this world of nu-metal. There's nothing to beat a good fun slice of Eighties style Americana rock. In opening track "When Six Was Nine" I can hear the reason my friend has attempted to steal this from me three times; it is nothing less than good, clean, wholesome metal.

(article published 12/8/2001)

5/25/2000 P Schwarz 6 Steel Prophet - Messiah
5/19/1999 P Schwarz 6 Steel Prophet - Dark Hallucinations
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