Arthemesia - _Devs-Iratvs_
(Native North Records, 2001)
by: Pedro Azevedo (8 out of 10)
With a style that lies somewhere between old Obtained Enslavement and present day Dimmu Borgir, these Finnish debutantes have produced a very competent hour of classically influenced symphonic black metal. The music is fluid and dynamic, alternatively emphasizing melody and aggression, keyboard and guitar. Most of the melodies and arrangements are quite smart, usually keeping a good balance and avoiding keyboard sweetness. The band achieves some pretty emotional passages as well as effective outbursts of energy and keeps it all flowing quite consistently. Despite a couple of weaker passages (especially the guitar work around the one minute mark in "Celebration of the Heaven Lost"), the band is very competent technically and there is usually enough going on to keep the listener interested throughout the album -- that is in case you are appreciative of classically influenced symphonic black metal; otherwise, it is unlikely that Arthemesia will win you over. However, those who have been moaning about Obtained Enslavement having recently forsaken their keyboards [CoC #46] should find solace in Arthemesia. A very good debut indeed and one of the best records I have heard in a while in this genre, even if the band is hardly breaking new ground.


(article published 13/5/2001)

14/2/2010 M Dolson 9 Arthemesia - a.O.a
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