Monster Magnet - _God Says No_
(A&M, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (8.5 out of 10)
Is this my favourite Monster Magnet record? Probably not. To be honest, my fave disc by Dave Wyndorf and his henchmen is either 1993's _Superjudge_ or 1995's _Dopes to Infinity_. But to tell you the truth, this is my favourite Monster Magnet disc right now. Less lavish and more basic than the last record _Powertrip_, _God Says No_ is one of those records that needs repeated listens before the magic and dynamics of what the band has been able to capture here sinks in. And as many Monster Magnet fans know, this band doesn't really write or play by any book. They write music based on feelings. It is that simple. That could explain why a song like the tripping title track can co-exist with the rocking first single "Heads Explode" and a bizarre '60s-tinged piece like "Kiss of the Scorpion". I admit, the guitar work and songwriting here isn't as out there as the past work of the band, but get past those few rough edges and _GSN_ will no doubt be spinning on your CD player well into the new year. Monster Magnet's latest is pure chaos wrapped tightly into a rockin' roller coaster ride of fun.

(article published 10/1/2001)

5/13/2001 A Bromley Monster Magnet: Dave Says Yes
10/31/2010 A McKay 9 Monster Magnet - Mastermind
2/29/2004 J Smit 9 Monster Magnet - Monolithic Baby!
6/7/1998 A Bromley 9 Monster Magnet - Powertrip
9/1/1998 A Bromley Monster Magnet Megalomaniacal Monsters
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