Cephalectomy - _Sign of Chaos_
(Discorporate Music, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (7.5 out of 10)
The last time I reviewed Cephalectomy, it was their five-track demo _Dark Waters Rise_ in CoC #34. Things have definitely changed for the band, both in sound and most importantly production. While still garnishing their brutal death metal attack with sounds reminiscent of Brutal Truth and Internal Bleeding, the band has managed to forge for themselves a solid death metal groove of sorts. Not bad for two guys (Jason Nichols and Corey Andrews), eh? Powerfully commanding, the band's deliverance will blow you away should you stand close enough to the speakers of your stereo system. While some might shrug them off as just another indie Canadian death metal act, Cephalectomy have proven that with time and patience, their direction and sound can be intensified -- check out tracks "The Ravaged Crimson Fields of Evanescence" or "Dimensional Manifestations of Ashen Forms". If you like your metal fast and furious, I suggest some East Coast (Canada) death metal to digest over the holidays.

Contact: Corey Andrews, 68 Walker St. Apt. 2, Truro,

(article published 10/1/2001)

10/31/2008 Q Kalis 7.5 Cephalectomy - The Dream Cycle Mythos
4/19/2004 A McKay 8 Cephalectomy - Eclipsing the Dawn
10/1/1998 A Bromley 3 Cephalectomy - Dark Waters Rise
11/17/1997 A Bromley 3 Cephalectomy - Gateway To The Gods
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