Blood Duster - _Cunt_
(Dr. Jim's Records, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (9 out of 10)
Not only has the "thunder from Down Under" returned to the metal scene, but they have also managed to return in classy form. The new disc, appropriately titled _Cunt_, is a blistering wave of grindcore mayhem that just crushes anything they have ever done. The music is faster, the movie clip samples are classic and the band's sense of humour has escalated ten fold since their inception in 1991. Managing to break away from the experimental side of _Str8OuttaNorthcote_, an album Adam Wasylyk hated (why, Adam? Why?) -- myself and Alain Gaudrault have yet to forgive him for that --, the band has regrouped with old members and just cranked the amps up and played their guts out. The end result is _Cunt_, a wild realm of no nonsense bullshit that just paints a picture of the fucked up world Blood Duster reside in. Fans will rejoice in their return to the metal scene and others will just be disgusted and irritated at the sight/sound of Blood Duster's pent up aggression churning our new ditties like "Pornstorestiffi", "Anotherslackerarsedaussieband" and "Don'tcallmehomeboyya'cunt". Childish? Maybe, but it is all Blood Duster and they wouldn't have (or want it) any other way. Warning: watch out for the photo inside the CD sleeve. You've been warned!

(article published 10/1/2001)

5/4/2003 X Hoose 9 Blood Duster - DFF
3/7/2002 Q Kalis 5 Blood Duster - Cunt
13/4/1998 A Wasylyk 3 Blood Duster - Str8 Outta Northcote
12/8/1996 G Filicetti 9 Blood Duster - Yeest
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