Nargathrond - _Carnal Lust and Wolfen Hunger_
(C.D.M. Records, 2000)
by: Pedro Azevedo (7 out of 10)
This cassette-only release contains what can be described as keyboard-based darkwave in which a drum machine and varied male vocals are also used. Vocals range from snarled to somewhat goth-like, while the music itself can go from funereal dirges to lighter, classically influenced passages. The generally dark atmosphere that enshrouds most of the music helps maintain some coherency, but _CLaWH_ tends to become somewhat repetitive at times. Nargathrond's use of the drum machine is mostly competent, even if not remarkably inspired (not of the quality on Samael's _Passage_, for example). Still, despite containing several elements of just average quality, there are quite a few moments during the album that do capture an interesting atmosphere and make _CLaWH_ a potentially worthwhile album to look into if you are a fan of the genre.


(article published 20/11/2000)

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