Soulfly - _Primitive_
(Roadrunner, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (8 out of 10)
After the exorcism that Max Cavalera displayed on Soulfly's self-titled debut disc, I was beginning to wonder how he'd be able to top that effort. Well, metal fans, he has. On Soulfly's new disc, Cavalera leads his troops through a wind tunnel of experimentation, metal riffs and bombastic cries of aggression as Soulfly once again leads their fans onto soulful groupings of material. _Primitive_ is full of songs with a message and lots of substance, a kind of book of reality and life itself, which punish our ears but keep our feet tapping. Cavalera is not afraid to venture out from the realm of metal music (though at the same time keeping it metallic) to bring an air of originality to the work. Case in point, the bizarre collaboration with Sean Lennon ("Son Song"). Who'd have thought in a million years this would happen? But it did, and it works quite well. Other collaborators include Corey Taylor (#8 from Slipknot), Chino Moreno from the Deftones and Slayer's Tom Araya, all lending hand in support of Cavalera's quest for his musical vision. Some might be expecting the Soulfly record to be geared towards the Ozzfest crowds -- it is no doubt for fans of that ilk --, but this is definitely more of a metal record than some might expect. Just listen to opener "Back to the Primitive" and it might just make you give a damn for Soulfly in 2000.

(article published 25/10/2000)

1/9/2002 A Bromley Soulfly: Heartfelt Intensity
9/8/2008 J Smit 8.5 Soulfly - Conquer
19/9/2005 J Smit 8.5 Soulfly - Dark Ages
13/4/1998 A Bromley 8 Soulfly - Soulfly
12/8/1999 J Webb Rammstein / Soulfly Let Your Soul Fly Away
12/8/1999 A Wasylyk Rammstein / Soulfly / Skunk Anansie Take Your Stein, and Ramm It
1/9/1998 M Noll Soulfly / Cold Mad Max Lives
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