Gold fur Eisen - _Kein Morgan_
(Independent, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (9.5 out of 10)
Things just happen. Life is so full of surprises; sometimes you are prepared for them and sometimes you are not. You just deal with it and hopefully in the end you come out better for what you have been faced with. Doing Chronicles of Chaos for the last five years has been a very exciting time for me. Not only because of the great friends I have made doing this (props going out to all of the CoC staff!), but also coming in contact with some of the coolest bands out there -- whether they are mainstream-sounding or just so bizarre that a simple review would do it no justice. Such is the case with German four-piece Gold fur Eisen, a truly remarkable band that seems to elude any real genre tagging but still sound so familiar in talent and ideas. The music, a radiating bombshell of metallic riffing, oddball vocals and just plain lunacy, is a six-song release that just shakes the foundations of what music should be about. Just letting go and seeing where it all ends up. No need to follow trends or stick with a certain sound. Gold fur Eisen are about making music and doing it in such a manner that others' thoughts (good or bad) make no impression on them. I have listened to this disc the most this month of reviews and I still do not get bored from it. Maybe it is just the free-flowing spirit of ideas or the fact that the band sings solely in German? I don't know, but I'm infatuated with this band and I'm hoping that I still feel this way a year from now, 'cause this is too neat to lose sight of. Hats off to Gold fur Eisen for providing us metalheads with a truly sincere mindfuck.

Contact: Gold fur Eisen, PF 1011413, 17019 Neubrandenburg, Germany

(article published 25/10/2000)

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