Vehement - _Unbalanced for Mankind_
(Cellar Records, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (3 out of 10)
Vehement's music is definitely "unbalanced". The death metal groove of this Illinois trio flies at us with a rapid fire of death metal growls, drum blasts and a real aggro-core groove for the most part. And while that may sound appealing to some, the band delivers it with a real weak, clunky approach throughout the disc and that alone brings down the overall effect of the band's death metal vibe. The music is brutal enough to mosh to, but nothing really earth shattering. I'll let all my other brothers and sisters making up mankind to make their own judgement. Bland.

Contact: Cellar Records 116 N. Peoria Ave., Dixon, IL 61021, USA

(article published 12/8/2000)

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