Suicide Culture - _Hallow Be the Agony_
(Independent, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (7 out of 10)
I liked what I heard with death-ish speed metal act Suicide Culture on their three-song demo back in CoC #33 and I'm down with their sound and style on the new five-song outing. The new offering, which features four new songs and a cover of Celtic Frost's "Jewel Throne", is much heavier than past work and a welcome change at that. The guitar solos still rip out at you, as the demonic growls of frontman Kevin Bedra echo atop the blistering drum beats courtesy of Joshua Hanenburg. The thing I like about Suicide Culture (though they could use a name change, I think) is that they don't hide their influences that they wear on their sleeves. They pay homage to their heroes and at the same time try to maintain a sound and a style that'll push their band forward into the spotlight. They could be onto big and better things with this release for sure.

Contact: P.O. Box 70566, Seattle, WA 98107, USA

(article published 12/8/2000)

13/2/1999 A Bromley 7 Suicide Culture - Suicide Culture
1/9/1998 A Bromley 3 Suicide Culture - Suicide Culture
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