Hypnos - _Hypnos_
(Morbid Records, 2000)
by: Paul Schwarz (7.5 out of 10)
As the debut EP from a new band featuring no less than two former members of Krabathor -- one in particular significantly being long-standing bassist and 50% vocalist Bruno --, _Hypnos_ may be part of a body of evidence suggesting the imminent demise of the long-suffering Czech death metal heroes (in which catalogue we should include last month's Martyr album, which Krabathor's other half created with the help of Master mastermind Paul Speckman), but it is nonetheless a promising introduction to a band seemingly in Krabathor's league as well as centrally following their musical path. Here, Hypnos only provide us with a three-track taste of their own music along with a cool Bulldozer cover ("The Cave", for which I have not heard the original) by which to assess them. My jury is still out as to whether Hypnos will necessarily be much of a concern in the future. They have a good strangle-hold on the loose and unrestrained style of death metal favoured by many bands of the former Eastern Bloc, but essentially the material they have presented here amounts to average Krabathor or Yattering tracks and certainly not anything unusually promising or original. One to keep an eye on all the same, though.

(article published 12/8/2000)

10/4/2014 C Drishner 8.5 Hypnos - The Fall
26/10/2010 C Drishner 7 Hypnos - Halfway to Hell
12/4/2002 P Schwarz 8 Hypnos - The Revenge Ride
10/1/2001 P Schwarz 8 Hypnos - In Blood We Trust
10/1/2001 D Rocher Morbid Angel / Enslaved / The Crown / Dying Fetus / Behemoth / Hypnos Belated Tales of the Unexpected
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