Broken Hope - _Grotesque Blessings_
(Martyr Music, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (7 out of 10)
On veteran death metal band Broken Hope's latest offering they come out armed with a cavalcade of "by the book" death metal numbers, sinister vocals and killer guitar riffs. So why care? I'll tell you why. Brian Griffin (guitarist) is at the production helm once again, adding his own strong blend of production ideas into the mix, and while some metal fans might find this a bit too samey at times, when the band hits the solid stride they do deliver big time (i.e. "Necro-Fellatio" and "Earth Burner"). Most death metal fans will find solace within this band's battering ram of metal music. Plus, as the booklet says, this is "pure sickness". Indulge, sickos!

Contact: Martyr Music Group Inc., P.O. Box 45, Natwick, MA 01769, USA

(article published 5/3/2000)

12/8/2000 A McKay Broken Hope: Broken But Not Subdued
10/11/2013 A McKay 10 Broken Hope - Omen of Disease
9/4/1997 A Bromley 6 Broken Hope - Loathing
17/1/1996 G Filicetti 5 Broken Hope - Repulsive Conception
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