Malevolent Creation - _Eternal_
(Pavement, 1995)
by: Gino Filicetti (9 out of 10)
This album really impressed me; after listening to it, I came to the conclusion that THIS is what death metal should sound like. From the slow paced opener 'No Salvation' to the no holds barred closer 'Tasteful Agony' this CD simply smokes! Although there is some lead work present on this release, it does not dominate the music so the absolute death metal purists out there need not worry about this band 'selling out'. Hailing from Florida, Malevolent Creation succeed in breaking out of the 'Florida Death Metal' stereotype achieving a sound that is more in the vein of various European bands. This could be attributed to the fact that unlike most Florida bands, Malevolent Creation refused to record at Morrisound Studios. This album is full of break neck paced songs such as 'To Kill', mid paced songs like 'Unearthly' and just about everything in between. The music however is never 'too fast'. Some variety is also introduced with various samples, and also some distorted vox in 'To Kill'. Overall I think this album would make a find addition to any CD library.

(article published 12/8/1995)

19/11/1998 P Schwarz Malevolent Creation: Malevolent Mass Murdering Maniacs
17/7/1996 S Hoeltzel Malevolent Creation: Malevolently Plowing Forward
31/10/2010 A McKay 10 Malevolent Creation - Invidious Dominion
27/7/2007 J Smit 7 Malevolent Creation - Doomsday X
31/5/2004 J Smit 7.5 Malevolent Creation - Warkult
23/6/2003 J Smit 8.5 Malevolent Creation - The Will to Kill
20/11/2000 P Azevedo 8 Malevolent Creation - Envenomed
19/11/1998 P Schwarz 9 Malevolent Creation - The Fine Art of Murder
16/10/1997 S Hoeltzel 7 Malevolent Creation - In Cold Blood
9/6/1996 S Hoeltzel 7 Malevolent Creation - Joe Black
25/3/2007 J Smit Rotting Christ / Malevolent Creation / Incantation Malicious Rot
21/5/2003 J Smit Immolation / Malevolent Creation / Aborted / Noctiferia A Kingdom United
21/5/2003 J Montague Immolation / Malevolent Creation / Aborted / Noctiferia Goth Club Destroyed by Death Metal Gods
16/10/1997 P Schwarz Malevolent Creation / Vital Remains / Infernal Majesty / Vader Something Old, Something New, and All Things Death Metal
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