The Atomic Bitchwax - _The Atomic Bitchwax_
(MIA Records, 1999)
by: Adrian Bromley (8.5 out of 10)
If there was one band out there that really got me going from first note these last few weeks, it has to be the music of Atomic Bitchwax. Based on highly volatile rock grooves meshed with stoner rock-like deliverance and really "out there" ideals, Atomic Bitchwax is the saviour for all those fans out there wanting something new to take in. Well... spread for "Big Daddy", baby, 'cause the lovin' of music on this nine-song release is so rich it'll leave you craving more. With guitarist Ed Mundell of Monster Magnet, ex-Godspeed/Daisycutter bassist Chris Kosnick and ex-Slaprocket drummer Keith Ackerman along for the ride, you couldn't choose better co-pilots. Far more instrumental than some might think, Atomic Bitchwax rock solid every way they can on their debut disc.
(article published 12/8/1999)
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