Midnight Syndicate - _Born of the Night_
(Entity Prod., 1999)
by: Adrian Bromley (8 out of 10)
While _Born for the Night_ is not an -album- of band material (meaning songs geared upon verses/chorus/verses), it is indeed a unique collaboration of work between Ohio's Midnight Syndicate duo (Edward Douglas and Gavin Goszka) and well-known gothic fantasy artist Joseph Vargo. _BotN_ is merely a soundtrack for all things gothic. It's got ultra-cool ambience, chilling atmosphere and enough sounds and noises to make you feel as if you are roaming a deserted castle or darkened forest in the middle of the night. Creepy at times, _BotN_ really does an excellent job of scooping out ideas and bringing them so realistically to the recording. With mostly ambient songs filling the majority of this record and some cool spoken passages by Vargo himself (not to mention cool artwork in the booklet), _BotN_ does its job. "The job being", you ask? The ability to make the imagination of the listener be enhanced by what he/she hears, thus transporting them to another time and place for the time frame of the LP. And to boot, this would make excellent backing music for a Halloween party, too.

Contact: Entity Productions c/o Edward Douglas,

(article published 14/3/1999)

5/13/2001 A Bromley 9 Midnight Syndicate - Gates of Delirium
5/25/2000 A Bromley 7 Midnight Syndicate - Realm of Shadows
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