Groinchurn - _Fink_
(Morbid, 1998)
by: Paul Schwarz (8.5 out of 10)
If you, like me, were feeling the first pang of jonesing for more of Brutal Truth's brilliant brand of grindcore when the news that the band had split surfaced, then you, like me, need some Groinchurn in your life. Groinchurn borrow from New York's finest in parts, but the main comparison between the two bands lies in the raw talent, not the exact sounds they produce (although, as the mark indicates, Groinchurn still have a while to go before they match the masters). _Fink_ unleashes some mean beasts from Grindcore Heaven (or Hell?), like the simple "Being Ripped Off", the blasting "The Clock Is Ticking" or the warped playing style of "Generic", which proceed to mangle any unsuspecting listener's mind for 36 odd minutes. A little humour, a lot of rage, and a touch of the eclectic make Groinchurn one of the world's premiere grindcore concerns.

Contact: Morbid Records, Postfach 3, 03114 Drebkau, Germany

(article published 13/2/1999)

18/11/1996 A Bromley Vision of Disorder: Expressing the Vision
13/3/2001 K Buchanan 5 Groinchurn - whoami
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