Pentagram - _Be Forewarned_
(Fierce, 1995)
by: Gino Filicetti (5 out of 10)
This is the latest release from one of doom metal's founding fathers, Pentagram. From the first track, 'Live Free and Burn' to the last track, 'Be Forewarned' I couldn't get the Black Sabbath association out of my mind. Although this band has been around for a long while and are recognized and revered in the doom metal scene, I still think that their originality is somewhat lacking. Don't get me wrong though, I think this CD is quite good, with more than a few catchy tracks including my favorite, 'Ask No More'. The production on this CD is disappointingly lacking though. A good doomy, majestic sound calls for high levels of production and a lot of mixing work which unfortunately doesn't come through on this album. Vocal work and songwriting are both above average, but I still think that Bobby Liebling sounds like a mixture of every Sabbath singer that ever was, especially Ozzy/Dio/Gillian. Overall this CD adds up to nothing more than average, disappointing for a band with such roots.

(article published 12/8/1995)

1/12/2012 P Schwarz Pentagram: It's Never Too Late
1/12/2012 P Schwarz Pentagram / Gentleman's Pistols Play for All Your Sins
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