Limbonic Art - _Epitome of Illusions_
(Nocturnal Art, 1998)
by: Pedro Azevedo (8 out of 10)
This is -not- new material from Limbonic Art -- unfortunately, but not too surprisingly, considering that their latest full-length _In Abhorrence Dementia_ came out just over a year ago. Nevertheless, this time gap may already be long enough to lead some people into thinking that _Epitome of Illusions_ contains new material, when what it does contain is in fact 45 minutes of re-recorded demo material. The sound quality is therefore good, since this wasn't directly taken from some demo tape, and it generally avoids sounding much like demo material. Nevertheless, knowing what Limbonic Art have done since then, most of the music here is inferior to both of their brilliant albums. This doesn't mean that _Epitome of Illusions_ isn't worth purchasing for someone who likes Limbonic Art, just that the keyboard work isn't as amazing and multi-layered as in their other two albums and the drum machine is used in a much more linear way, for example. What could have been really interesting here, since it was unlikely that the music itself would be as good as their full-length releases, was that it might have been even darker than the -very- dark _Moon in the Scorpio_, my favorite Limbonic Art album; but unfortunately the music here turns out to be less extreme in every way than both _Moon in the Scorpio_ and _In Abhorrence Dementia_. Still, like I mentioned before, these two albums are so brilliant that these statements don't necessarily spell doom upon _Epitome of Illusions_, which is still very enjoyable; furthermore, as far as demo re-releases go, this is the best I can recall hearing.
(article published 16/1/1999)
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