Burn it Down - _Eat Sleep Mate Defend_
(Broken Image, 1998)
by: Adrian Bromley (8.5 out of 10)
From the opening number "Kill Their Idols", noisecore / abrasive hardcore outfit Burn it Down has you by the throat. Take deep breaths people, 'cause the choke hold doesn't end 'till the seven-song outing comes to a close. Ball-busting vocals take charge as the speeding train bearing the name Burn it Down comes at us at high velocity, roughing us up and knocking all weak things to the side. Does it get any heavier than this? Just listen to "Slave Identity" or "Bed of Nails". I think not. Why can some bands just reach a total state of violent anarchy and vicious overtones, yet sound so cool and tight in their groove? I'm baffled. Few bands manage to capture the essentially visible, powerful traits that Burn it Down bestow upon their music. Marked by sincerity in life and positive messages within their music (unlike what Run Devil Run attempted to do), Burn it Down paint the picture loud and clear and it's up to us to decide just how we are going to take in their knowledge. A record with real edge and real promise. Scout this one out, people.
(article published 16/1/1999)
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