Ritual - _Hate_
(Vespa Music Group, 1996)
by: Adrian Bromley (7 out of 10)
A strong follow-up to the band's last EP _I Give_, _Hate_ is truly a building block for the band and its music. Modern sounding, fueled by adrenalin and delivering a definite stomp, Cornwall, Ontario's Ritual are going in the right direction with their metallic grooves, a form of music long discarded as not being cool anymore. With the help of producer Harry Hess (Harem Scarem singer/songwriter) Ritual's _Hate_ LP allows itself to come across not only as a slick recording, but as an album that manages to stand firm as a strong source of music and lyrical content. Such numbers as the title track, "Acid Machine", and "Tables Turned" create an aura within the album thus allowing the album to grow in various directions rather than focusing on one metallic style. Thumbs up to a more modern metal sound for these unsung heroes of Canadian heaviness.

Contact: RITUAL, 427 Water West, Cornwall, Ont., K6J-1A6, Canada

(article published 14/3/1996)

15/1/2012 A McKay 7.5 Ritual - The Resurrection
11/10/1996 A Wasylyk 3 Ritual - Ritual
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