Deranged - _High on Blood_
(Regain Records, 1998)
by: Adrian Bromley (7 out of 10)
Holy fucking ball busters Batman! Deranged are surely high on something. This is one of the most ball-crushing records to land on my disc player in some time. While not totally groundbreaking, Deranged have the knack for kicking out goods with true velocity and aggression. Take note of songs like "(eroti)kill", "With the Silence Came Horror" and my fave "Razor Divine". _High on Blood_? I think not. This album shreds and I think the title should be more like _High on Speed-Aggression-Anger-Hatred_. Give it a whirl if you feel up to it. Almost as crushing as The Haunted's debut -- almost.

(article published 19/11/1998)

3/2/2008 J Smit 8 Deranged - The Red Light Murder Case
29/5/2003 J Montague 4 Deranged - Plainfield Cemetery
12/8/2001 M Noll 7.5 Deranged - Deranged
9/12/1999 D Rocher 8 Deranged - III
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