Crimson Questions and Ashen Replies
An interview with P.K. of Abigor
by: Henry Akeley
"Abigor creates music which is not from and for this planet called Earth as it is today..." So proclaim the liner notes to the incredible _Opus IV_, an album which proves once again that Abigor are one of the black metal scene's most extreme and original bands. I recently wrote to guitarist, lyricist, and layout designer P.K. to ask for his thoughts on extremity and originality - and on a number of other topics as well. First, though, I asked him what pushed the band to become even more unpredictable and intense on _Opus IV_, the most strange and savage-sounding Abigor recording yet.

"I think that's difficult to say," he wrote back. "I think as we develop as individuals, our art through Abigor develops - that's the progress which keeps Abigor alive. Furthermore, we take influences from lots of other things. I mean, the whole of existence influences us. Also, dreams and visions which haunt us at night inspire us to put those experiences into our art. Plus, we're good musicians and we know how to play our instruments, so we have no problems at all putting our ideas into music."

This immediately raises the question whether any ideas have been translated into new music since _Opus IV_ was released earlier this year. The answer is affirmative: work on the next release, _Apokalypse_, is underway. "We're still working on new material," Peter reports. "At the moment, we have six songs completely finished, and all the lyrics, as well as some ideas for the layout." And how will the new material compare to this year's release? "Of course, the songs are in the typical Abigor style. Nevertheless, it'll be different from _Opus IV_. It'll be extreme black metal without any compromises, but still in the vein of Abigor."

Of course, the phrase "extreme black metal" suggests more than just a certain sound. To many people, P.K. included, this phrase stands for an entire system of beliefs. "In my opinion," he states, "the lyrics of black metal bands shall deal with the worshipping of Satan, darkness, death, and evilness. Therefore, the lyrics of Abigor deal with such topics. Maybe it seems that they do not, because we use more paraphrases and because our lyrics are more personal. To sum it up, one can say that our lyrics are visions of [fellow guitarist and lyricist] T.T. and myself, and each lyric has a personal value for us."

But are these -just- lyrics, or do they really reflect the actions and beliefs of Abigor's members? According to P.K., it's the latter: "I practice ritual magic and ceremonial devil worship, but I am not willing to make more statements concerning this theme. I mean, it's too personal; nor do I have the need. Furthermore, I don't think it necessary to make extreme statements in 'zines concerning my beliefs. I know who I am, and I know what I represent. I worship Satan, and I take it as a personal offense if someone criticizes my beliefs."

Clearly, like many people involved with this music, P.K. takes black metal extremely seriously. "For me, it's a main part of my existence," he says. "But I see it more as a kind of self-realization, because the expression of thoughts and moods through my music is important for me." Still, black metal's great surge in popularity has attracted the attention of many individuals who are less interested in serious self-realization than in posing as "true" black metal fanatics simply because it's the trendy thing to do. P.K.'s opinion of this bunch?

"If you've been involved in the 'scene' for a longer time, as we have, you know that all those 'evil' black metallers and 'circles' are just -talking- about black metal, and I am not willing to waste my time with such things. Nowadays, I know how those people play their game. It's just an image, not a religion, and to the so-called scene belong too many people who don't practice what they preach."

So you don't think that black metal's massive popularity is a good thing? "It's definitely bad!" he plainly states. "But don't get me wrong - at the moment it's good for us because we sell our CDs well, but the time will come when it'll be drowned in the mass-consumer society. At the moment, the labels smell the money which they can earn through the black metal boom, but with this boom the whole genre will be watered down. I mean, more outside influences will be involved in black metal, and more and more the nice CD layout and such unworthy things will be considered important, and the true spirit of black metal will get lost, if you understand what I mean."

I do, totally. Personally, I am not really a "true believer" in the religious aspect of black metal (though I respect individuals like P.K., who are sincere in their beliefs) - but one thing I have always especially liked about the best, most original black metal bands [...] (Abigor included) is their obvious disgust with modern consumer society and their interest in forms of social organization which are much more deeply rooted in respect for nature. So it's depressing to see the crazed and untamed musical style which these great bands pioneered being turned into a money-making device for people who want to cash in on the trend. Is commercialization bound to stomp out the real spirit of black metal? P.K. is not completely pessimistic. "Maybe a few bands will survive, and then exist in a kind of underground - maybe in this 'underground' which individuals mostly talk about nowadays, but which doesn't exist at all today."

Wondering if P.K. himself ever feels any yearning to inhabit a world other than our own, I asked him which period of history he would choose to live in, were he given the choice. "I would choose the period of the migration of nations," he said, "because in my opinion, this was a great time in my area. Lots of tribes have lived here, and lots of pagan and mystic influences and beliefs were alive at this time."

On a more image-oriented note, I asked whether there was any significance to the fact that Abigor are pictured without corpse paint in the _Opus IV_ booklet. Does this reflect a change of perspective regarding the device? "There's no change," P.K. replies. "Nor was there any special reason why we didn't use corpse paint in the photos for _Horns Lurk_ [the first of _Opus IV_'s two four-song movements]. We'll still use it again in all other new photos."

Finally, what about the band's decision never to play live? Why not? Obviously, I was hardly the first person to write the band asking this question... "Sorry, but I am really tired of explaining why we'll not play live - accept it!" was P.K.'s retort. "As long as Abigor exists, we'll NEVER play live!"

As you have noticed, P.K. does not mince words. His parting statement for all you readers and fans out there? "When your reality crashes into the void, we'll sit beside Satan and watch you die, and beside our lord we'll remember 'til the end of time."

[My sincere thanks to the man for a very interesting interview.

-- Steve]

(article submitted 2/1/1997)

7/17/1996 S Hoeltzel Abigor: Update From the Twilight Kingdom
6/23/2007 J Montague 6.5 Abigor - Fractal Possession
3/10/1998 S Hoeltzel 8.5 Abigor - Supreme Immortal Art
4/9/1997 S Hoeltzel 8 Abigor - Apokalypse
10/11/1996 S Hoeltzel 9 Abigor - Opus IV
4/18/1996 S Hoeltzel 6 Abigor - Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)
3/14/1996 G Filicetti 7 Abigor - Verwustung/Invoke The Dark Age
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