Ophthalamia Opens Up
A Chat with IT
by: Sally Sanchez
Ophthalamia is a fantasy world created by IT. The "Goddess" of this world is a woman named Elishia. IT also created the surroundings of Ophthalamia, the creatures, and the language of Ophthalamians. Every one of OPHTHALAMIA's songs are stories about this fantasy world.

OPHTHALAMIA started in 1989. The first lead vocalist was All, but he moved on and was replaced by Shadow for _A Journey In Darkness_. Then Shadow was replaced by Legion on _Via Dolorosa_ when it was recorded. Legion has now left and All is now back in the band.

The Official Line-up:

IT -- Guitars, Screams, Whispers, Additional Vocals, Talk All -- Lead Vocals, Screams Night -- Bass, Acoustic, Guitars, Screams Bone -- Drums, Percussion

CoC: Tell us how the new album is going. What changes were made this time around.

IT: Elishia is the Ophthalamian "Satan," the huntress of the night. She or he is the daughter (or son) of the three moons that one can see on the great Ophthalamian sky. Everything evil on Ophthalamia is her works. In other words, Elishia is just an Ophthalamian version of our Satan. I might as well say Satan and sometimes I do. Our new album will be based on the great work of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare. It will be an Ophthalamian version. Of course, the evil characters will be triumphant in the end. Changes are: All has replaced Legion on vocals. Ole Vhman from Dissection has replaced Winter on drums. Bone (Ole) has left Dissection and All who appeared on the two first Abruptum demos has come back for revenge. We also have a second (still secret) guitarist in the band. The last line-up changes have strengthened the band since the new members are much better than the earlier people.

CoC: How are label deals coming along? What are you looking for in a label?

IT: The label should give us fame and fortune as far as they can. We are now negotiating with a few labels.

CoC: I hear there might be a possible tour. If so, where would you like to play and with whom?

IT: There are some plans to go on tour, probably with Marduk. I would really like to go on tour with some of the great old Heavy Metal bands of the 80s like Motley Crue or Iron Maiden.

CoC: Ophthalamia is a fantasy world created by yourself. Is Ophthalamia a place that you escape to?

IT: Ophthalamia is a very hard world, where one must be strong to survive. There is no escaping the hardship of life. If you really like to escape then blow your brains out. I've had 23 years of hardship and still i go on to do the deeds of my master.

CoC: I had a friend that wanted to escape into a world much like Ophthalamia, but he was weak and let foolish things take him away, how do you escape to Ophthalamia? Through your dreams, or through other ways?

IT: Ophthalamia exists, you just don't see it because of your ignorance. Think about it for a while. What does Ophthalamia symbolize?

CoC: How do you find time to deal with your other bands?

IT: Not all of us have other bands, Ole only plays in Ophthalamia now. Our second guitarist only plays in Ophthalamia too. As for me, I play in Abruptum also, but I do not have to work for it that hard. Night has a project called Swordmaster and me and All also have a side project going on called Vondur. Debut album out soon on Necropolis Records.

[Look for a review of Vondur's debut album in CoC #10 -- Gino]

CoC: Well that is all for this short interview. Would you like to say anything else to the readers and your fans out there?

IT: Do the Work of Satan!!! Darkness it'll be.

[I would like to thank Markey for his help and for getting the Ophthalamia bio from his site. E-mail him at MARKEYd8@Cti.ecp.fr -- Sally]

(article submitted 18/4/1996)

1/16/1999 D Rocher 9 Ophthalamia - Dominion
9/1/1998 P Azevedo 8 Ophthalamia - A Long Journey
6/7/1997 D Schinzel 8 Ophthalamia - To Elishia
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