Wishdoom - _Up the Hammers_
by: Paul Williams (4.5 out of 5)
We may all be used to the assortment of bands who play traditional battle metal, either songs about being saved by Thor or a bunch of hairy Viking men off to pillage, rape and murder. This is what we may normally assume to be the bases for tracks that combine such ferocity in battle with the visions of Gods, and strangely enough Wishdoom go against this. Instead of the use of Scandinavian mythology in their work, a use of the Greek counterpart is what sets the scene in their songs; Zeus replaces Oden, Mount Olympus replaces Valhalla in this doom inspired epic battle metal, taking some great melodies reminiscent of Primordial and some excellent vocals, which are able to hold their own in a genre where weak vocals are unacceptable.Wishdoom's exceptional debut is well rounded; a classic metal battle prayer can be found in "Up the Hammers", while they up the tempo with "Vampyre's Night" and round it off with a slower, more melodic beat. Instrumental song "Wishdoom" is favorite of mine, seeing as it doesn't jump into an extremely technical guitar part, and instead opts for a strong and solid riff to commence with the eerie stories that these Greeks do justice to. Demo closer "Bathory Medely" is just a combination of verses from Bathory songs; this is really the only song where the band has included anything from the northern myths, which isn't a bad thing seeing as it shows their influences, but this is where you realise that the bands use of the Greek myths is what really makes this band special and allows it to stand out from the crowd.
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