Hak-Ed Damm - _Black Tortured Metal_
by: Quentin Kalis (3 out of 5)
The weirdly named Canadians Hak-Ed Damm are a black metal quartet, not that you would think so from their Spartan approach. A lucid bass, some rudimentary drumming, a lot of shrieks, some basic riffing, and there you have it. The sound appears to be a cleaned up version of Darkthrone's seminal _Transilvanian Hunger_ necro production. I can't remember when last I heard such a clear bass; it was probably Mayhem and Mortuary Drape. This is a good sound, that should be atmospheric, but this is not the case here. If they focus a bit more on creating stronger songs with a greater atmosphere -- think the above mentioned bands -- they could be a worthwhile addition to New World metal.

Contact: http://www.hakkeddamm.com

(article published 8/10/2008)

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