Crepuscularia - _Buried and Forgotten_
by: Pedro Azevedo (3 out of 5)
Russian doom metal duo Crepuscularia have no qualms about stating that the production quality of this demo CD isn't the best, or that their style is based on slow, repetitive riffs. While it's true that the percussion on this demo could have sounded much better, and the riffs are indeed often simple and repetitive throughout their generally lengthy compositions, _Buried and Forgotten_ is still an enjoyable doom metal demo. Simple it may be, but the lead guitar work is still quite effective for a demo; and even though the percussion really isn't up to par, the rhythm guitar helps move things along. The occasional use of a synth in the background is also appreciated, as is the appropriate tone of the deep death vox -- which is at times reminiscent of early Anathema, like during the accomplished final section of "Dirge". Despite the nice packaging, Crepuscularia make no attempt to catapult _Buried and Forgotten_ into the realm of popular acceptance; this isn't "pretty" doom metal, and not everyone will like it. For what it is meant to be however, _Buried and Forgotten_ signals a reasonably promising start for this Russian band. Some considerable work needs to go into the rhythm section, which would in turn help improve the overall dynamics of the music and reduce some monotonous passages, but there may certainly be good things to come from Crepuscularia.


(article published 29/5/2006)

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