Under Eden - _Songs From the Savage Circle_
by: Adrian Magers (4.5 out of 5)
_Songs From the Savage Circle_ is one of the best demos I've heard in a while. It's definitely something I'll be listening to long after this review is published and read by the Chronicles of Chaos readers. The music shifts from majestic leads and soaring transitions to downtrodden crunch and ultra-thick jagged grooves. The vocals generally keep with these transitions (though the band have since chosen a full-time vocalist to reinterpret lead guitarist Ryan McAtee's voice on this CD), led by impressive six-string work, and complemented by the cascading drums that hold each song together. The overall tone makes one think of Darkest Hour slammed into classic In Flames, and this formula roughly describes what Under Eden is up to on this album. With such diversity and masterful songwriting, it's a surprise that these are the band's first four songs. If this is only the beginning, then those who keep up with this band are most likely going to be in for some very pleasant surprises.

Contact: http://www.under-eden.net

(article published 21/9/2003)

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