Masque of Innocence - _Take 0_
by: Pedro Azevedo (3 out of 5)
Listening to this demo tape took me back a few years, back to the time when I listened to demo tapes from bands such as Heavenwood and Lacrima -- both of which Masque of Innocence tend to remind me of in some ways. Their slightly doomy music is made of competent slow to mid-paced guitar work, atmospheric keyboards and an average rhythmic section -- all generally laid back and not very complicated, with a few nice melodies here and there. The death vox are quite good and the occasional female vocals are also competent, but the _Shades of God_ era Paradise Lost kind of vocals that show up a couple of times are rather poor. Still, even though Masque of Innocence tend to be unable to really captivate the listener for now, quality is nevertheless quite acceptable throughout this decently produced demo, which flows rather well and does provide a pleasant listen.
Contact: Apartado 6004, 2701-801 Amadora, Portugal
(article published 9/12/1999)
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