Kekal - _Beyond the Glimpse of Dreams_
by: Adam Wasylyk (4 out of 5)
Indonesia's Kekal have released a pretty cool demo which features Norwegian-influenced black metal shrieks and some menacing, powerful guitars with some seriously stomping drums keeping up the beat. This quartet know how to mix it up: blast beats are thrown in between more melodic moments and the vocals go from spoken to shrieking to growling. "Rotting Youth" serves as a powerful lead-off to the demo as it effectively demonstrates the energy Kekal possess, with tracks like "Armageddon", "Deceived Minds" and "Reality" not far behind. Production is more than adequate, allowing everything (including the keyboards) to be heard clearly, lending all the more power to this band. Ten tracks in total, you receive both quality and quantity in the material featured. However, after I read the lyrics on the demo, I realized that Kekal are actually a "life" metal band, praising Jesus and showing the downfalls of Satan. They could have been perfect! I'll admit I hate lyrics that come off as preachy (which Kekal could be accused of), but I guess that means that I won't read them on future listens. I do hope to hear more from this band in the future as they have something here worth listening to.

Contact: KENKAL, P.O. Box 1496, JKB 11014, Jakarta, INDONESIA

(article published 10/3/1998)

14/3/1999 A Cantwell Kekal: Beyond a Glimpse of Borneo
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