Theatre of Tragedy - _Aegis_
(Century Media, 1998)
by: Adrian Bromley (5 out of 10)
I dunno about this band. I have never really been a big fan of what Theatre of Tragedy has been about. I mean, I can get into the whole gothic/metal overtone and the soft, beautiful vocals accompanying the sounds of the band, but something within the band's musical agenda doesn't sit well with me. I know the band has a large fan base, I just don't get it. With _Aegis_, the band has managed to capture a pretty tranquil environment, melding passionate displays of songwriting with soft-spoken vocals and gothic guitar work. While some of the work here is pretty memorable as the record goes along, it just doesn't sit in your head too long afterwards. It's kinda boring, if you ask me; all the fancy coated song structures seem uninspired at times. The only salvageable material in my mind on this eight-song effort is the ultra-cool "Siren". Never really been my cup of tea, and I can see much more why now.

(article published 1/10/1998)

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