End Of Green - _Infinity_
(Nuclear Blast, 1996)
by: Adrian Bromley (8 out of 10)
Truly one of the most impressive debuts of this year - hands down!! Germany's End Of Green are quite a remarkable four-piece that dig deep into the soul and manipulate the mind with their own genre of musical dominance they call 'depressive subcore.' The album, _Infinity_, follows a complex rotation of moody epics that create images of lost hope, anger, and loneliness. Guitarist/vocalist Michael Huber really stands out with his hypnotic vocals reminiscent of Type-O-Negative's Peter Steele or Peter Murphy's work with Bauhaus. Though far from the emotionally depressing reaches of Bauhaus, the obvious stylings of fellow countrymen Pyogenesis allow the music to take on the character of gothic metal. But it is more than that as well. Though each song follows a slow, almost monotonous direction throughout, it is the lyrics and the use of Huber's voice along with the band's clashing of riffs and beats that show the dynamics of a true and earnest album. It is very powerful and I can guarantee you will be drawn in after a listen. Tracks to lookout for are the thrilling "Away", "Nice Day To Die", "Left My Way", as well as the title track. Hope this band gets a big push from their label and a good tour as they deserve it after creating such a remarkable first effort.

(article published 9/2/1996)

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