Alien Faktor - _Arterial Spray... and Cattle Mutilations_
(Decibel, 1997)
by: Andrew Lewandowski (7 out of 10)
Although Alien Faktor expose the listener to a harshly disturbing jaunt through the abysses which separate one synapse from another in a mind tormented by neurosis and psychosis, they lack the essential ability to differentiate innovations from passe notions. Each aspect of _Arterial Spray..._ which develops the band's somewhat unique vision (actually, the uninitiated observer can deem this a mere hybrid of GGFH's sociopathic dementia and the frenzied hallucinations of a Skinny Puppy, but that's neither here nor there...) is partially negated by the three most repugnant, and all too obtrusive, stereotypes of the "electronic body music" (aka "industrial dance") sub-genre. Can't they alter the distortion effect on the vocals so that they don't sound like Phil Anselmo? Also, has a sample which contains either "motherfucker" or references to the occult ever actually offended anyone? Personally, the frequent samples only distracted me, especially during the more sedate tracks which might otherwise invoke a trance state. And finally: why oh why must they use guitars? Granted, they create a bludgeoning effect, yet they also consume the complexities and dark ambience which are Alien Faktor's main selling points. Their prosaic cover of "Love Under Will" provides a palpable manifestation of the half-assed nature of this entire album: if you plan on covering a song by one of the more revolutionary of rock bands (the Fields of the Nephilim), why not strive for an equally imaginative cover? If you're going to compose horrifying music, why add superfluities which only confound this emotional state?
(article published 17/11/1997)
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