Today Is The Day - _Temple Of The Morning Star_
(Release, 1997)
by: Adrian Bromley (9 out of 10)
By far - hands down - one of the coolest releases I have heard this year. Saturated in total anarchistic noise and distorted lumps of creativity, the debut album for Relapse by Today Is The Day (who had three previous releases on Amphetamine Reptile Records) totally took me by surprise with its mesmerizing use of sounds, samples, and imagery flowing from the music. It's eerie, to say the least. Sounds of satanic rituals, loud chanting, and distorted vocals/noise are superbly meshed with an ample amount of samples, melodic riffs, and even country/folk singer snippets (on "The Man Who Loved to Hurt Himself"). To describe the music style or sound of TitD would be like describing a David Cronenberg movie - you can't. Only the director (or in this case the musicians) are the ones who know what is going on. Sometimes even they (director or musician) don't know, as the creativity and visions come to them as a blur - only there for them to create and carry out the project, rather than ask why the project must be done that way. Noise. Noise. And more noise. It's all here, and in deafening, pounding blows for the most part. Throw in a bit of ambience and a real clear case of intensity, and you've pretty much got TitD. Fucked, but definitely worth investigating. I am sure - in fact, I am positive - that all those with weekly (or even nightly) pot parties will have something new to crank as background music. Fans of other Relapse/Release bands like Neurosis, Malformed Earthborn or Flux should take note. This shit smokes big time!

(article published 16/10/1997)

2/5/1997 A Bromley Today Is the Day: Today Is a Good Day to Die
7/12/2004 A McKay 7.5 Today Is the Day - Kiss the Pig
3/21/2003 X Hoose 6.5 Today Is the Day - Sadness Will Prevail
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