Destinity - _Under the Smell of Chaos_
(Adipocere Records, 2003)
by: Pedro Azevedo (4 out of 10)
From the onset this disc invites reviewers to sharpen their critical
teeth on it: amateurish front cover, terribly cliché band photos, a dubious band name, and (last but not least) the kind of
album title that is likely to have you shaking your head in disbelief.
Get past all that though, and what you have is essentially a Cradle of
Filth derivative. Many moons ago, back in 1996, a band called Hecate
Enthroned was heavily criticized for sounding too much like CoF; yet
anno 2003, what Destinity have come up with is just another second
rate imitation of Cradle of Filth, in this case with some touches of
Limbonic Art in the keyboard department. Much like another band I
recently reviewed, Illnath, Destinity seem to have made no effort
whatsoever to avoid such an obvious trap on this, their -third- disc.
I can excuse a debuting band to some extent for trying to emulate
their idols a bit too much, but when you've been around for a few
albums this lack of originality is bound to seriously weigh you down.
The album is competently carried out for the most part and even
features some good passages, as Destinity seem to have improved
somewhat since their last offering (at least judging by the rating it
was awarded). Nevertheless, this band still has a long way to go both
in terms of musical relevance and of course originality.
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